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  1. A

    SSD show 3 drive Temperatures, 1 is 54c, 2 is 65-70c, 3 is 54c. Idle/light load. Gaming laptop

    My ssd is SN560, you can't find it for sale. I guess ASUS used a custom ssd or something. Anyway, Thanks for help and have a nice day, Martin!
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    SSD show 3 drive Temperatures, 1 is 54c, 2 is 65-70c, 3 is 54c. Idle/light load. Gaming laptop

    Thank you very much! The weird thing is Drive 3 temp says it is ASIC controller. But Drive 3 temp is the same as Drive 1 temperature. I guess Drive 2 temp is the real ASIC Temp.
  3. A

    SSD show 3 drive Temperatures, 1 is 54c, 2 is 65-70c, 3 is 54c. Idle/light load. Gaming laptop

    Hi! I have a question. My nvme SSD show 3 drive Temperatures, 1 is 54c, 2 is 65-70c, 3 is 54c. Idle/light load. Gaming laptop What one is the nand temperature? both 1 and 2 say this: (Current temperature of the NAND flash media). I saw on the internet that NAND shouldn't exceed 70-75c but i...