Recent content by WiseScene422

  1. W

    Save Report - Create Logfile fields get unselected

    I am using HWiNFO64 8.00-5400 When saving a log file using Save Report, the "Export Format" and "Encoding" fields in the "Create Logfile" dialog interact with each other in a weird way. click "Save Report" => "Create Logfile" dialog appears in my case, "HTML" and "ANSI" are selected select...
  2. W

    Suggestion - add *.html as filter for html reports

    click "Save Report" in "Export Format" section, click "HTML" click "Browse..." "Save As" dialog pops up, where the "Save as type:" option is "HTML File (*.HTM)" I suggest adding *.HTML so the "Save as type:" option will be "HTML File (*.HTM;*.HTML)" Doing so would allow automatic filtering of...