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  1. Elithegunguy

    Summary display chopped

    You're a genius! it works perfectly. I seriously can't thank you enough.
  2. Elithegunguy

    Summary display chopped

    I really appreciate your time and I will definitely give that a shot. That makes a lot of sense if I'm understanding this correctly, just click on the corresponding backup and it changes the registry back to those settings. So each time I switch monitors I just load those settings into the...
  3. Elithegunguy

    Summary display chopped

    So any chance you found a solution? I regularly switch between a 4k tv (225% scaling) and a 1440p monitor (100%). I have just gotten to the point where I only use HWinfo on the TV because I use it slightly more because I have the whole page perfectly filled with my graphs (yes pretty bad OCD)...