hwinfo sdk

  1. Y

    try the hwinfo sdk

    Can I try the hwinfo sdk? If you can please send the relevant documents and information! Thank you very much email:[email protected]
  2. D

    HWSDK can be used with C#

    hello, I am learning C# using this C# tutorial https://qawithexperts.com/tutorial/c-sharp I would like to know as there is HWSDK mentioned here https://www.hwinfo.com/sdk/ Is it possible to use HWInfo with C# in Console or web-application? If yes, how any documentation.
  3. BlueToast

    HWiNFO SDK - Not receiving any responses after submitting three times to contact form

    Hello! I have submitted inquiry three times over the last 7 days at https://www.hwinfo.com/sdk/ and have not received any e-mail messages or responses. My last attempt was using my work address rather than my personal e-mail address. Please reach out to me.