
  1. S

    GPU PCIe +12V Input Voltage is only at 10.324V min and 10.384V max is this a problem?

    I've been having a lot of display shutdown recently (display is off but the sound is still on) and it happens mostly during gaming (even on Roblox). I thought maybe this is the culprit? I found some screenshots online with their HWinfo and found that their readings are 12V+ I also asked my...
  2. I

    (New) PC crashes when HWiNFO DDR5 DIMM sensor readings are turned on

    Hello, I recently build my new pc and I got a sudden reboot last week when starting up a game (and possibly had some laggy behaviour in windows before that, unsure). After the reboot I tried again and could play for 2-3 hours without issue. I wanted to verify if my system was okay so I...
  3. R

    GPU PCIe +12V Input Power Spiking to 13W+

    Is this normal/safe? Seeing spikes all over the place. Just added a CableMod extension cable to my setup not too long ago; haven't seen this with Nvidia's cable. Snippet from log: GPU PCIe +12V Input Power [W] 5.629 5.893 5.819 5.846 6.038...
  4. S

    Frequent PC crashes on Apex Legends

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to solve some fairly frequent crashes I've been having. I play only Apex and Valheim. It never crashes on Valheim but it crashes fairly often on Apex. When it crashes the screen freezes, the sound drops out, and the PC will hang there until I hold the power button. My...
  5. L

    Troubleshooting plea for help

    I wont bother with a long sob story or other tales but i built a computer for my girlfriend a few years back and after roughly 6 months of using it she noticed after running games for a few minutes the games start freezing in short sessions. It can vary from 2 second freezes that resume up to a...
  6. S

    Fan Control - only able to use 2500 or 5100 RPM ("Invalid Fan Speed/RPM value specified")

    I'm trying to use HWiNFO to control the fans in my XPS 15 9570 laptop since the default fan curve tends to kick my fan speed up way too late, but when I try to select target RPMs at different temperatures I'm given an error window saying that I can only use values of 0, 2500, or 5100. Is this...
  7. M

    Unknown reason for system crashing

    Since upgrading the CPU, motherboard and RAM in my desktop PC I have been experiencing multiple system crashes, as though there has been a complete power cut. I originally posted on the LinusTechTips forum for some help and someone suggested running HWiNFO on my desktop to see if there is any...