Adding Second Remote Connection Crashes Software

When adding remote computer on the network for sensor monitoring, the software will crash as soon as I add a second PC on the network, it doesn't matter what order they are added in. It will crash on opening sensors until I delete the registry keys. Tried latest and beta versions.

Edit: It will also happen on one of the other PCs, although they all do have similar hardware.


First please try to do a "Reset Preferences" from the main HWiNFO settings.
If that won't help please describe more precisely what's happening. If there are already some remote machines added on the local machine, how is the remote machine configured. Also a screenshot might be helpful.
To be more specific the software is crashing as soon as I add a remote PC. It will show connected with green check, but will crash to desktop almost instantly after. 

I have done some testing with some virtual machines and was able to reproduce the crash on different configurations. I am getting the feeling that its crashing due to too many sensor values.

Local: 2 GPUS 6 HDD
1. Remote: 3 GPUS loads
2. Remote: 3 GPUs Crashes

Local: VM
1. Remote: 3 GPUS loads
2. Remote: 3 GPUS loads
3. Remote: VM loads
4. Remote: VM Crashes

Local: 2 GPUS 6 HDD
1. Remote: VM loads
2. Remote: VM loads
3. Remote: VM loads
4. Remote: VM loads
5. Remote: VM crashes

Edit: Disabling drive scan also allows my original configuration to work with no crashes
There's an internal limit on number of sensors, but reaching this limit should not cause a crash and I believe your configurations should not be exceeding this limit either.
There are users connecting dozens of PCs without problems.
Does disabling any other item except Drive Scan help too ?
Nothing else seems to prevent crash. I tried using the "disabling monitoring" option on every single section and then loading the 2nd remote PC, still crashed. I then did the same thing using the "hide" option before adding the second remote machine, it also still crashed.

I am perfectly happy with the software without drive scan but I will monitor this thread if you need more info from me to help fix or if you have anything you need me to try.
with trial and error I have a much more specific trigger of the crash here is what I did.

Disable Drive Scan
Load both remote PCs in
Hide all 
Enable Drive Scan
Unhide all (everything is disabled)
Enabling GPU#1 on second remote machine will crash software to desktop

I can enable literally everything else or keep it all disabled but enabling GPU#1 will still cause a crash. To make sure it wasnt somthing off with that specific graphics card. I connected the remote machines in a different order, tried it again. and it was still the GPU#1 on the second connected machine (different hardware) causing the crash

Local machine: 
GPU #0
GPU #1

Remote machine 1:
GPU #0
GPU #1

Remote machine 2: 
GPU #0
GPU #1 <--- Culprit
GPU #2

I can enable some of the values, but others will result in crash
This is a really strange problem. Have you tried to do a "Reset Preferences" from the main HWiNFO settings ?
Also, are you enabling that GPU sensor on the remote machine, or the one which is connecting to it ?
Martin said:
This is a really strange problem. Have you tried to do a "Reset Preferences" from the main HWiNFO settings ?
Also, are you enabling that GPU sensor on the remote machine, or the one which is connecting to it ?

Yes and all this is taking place on the local machine connecting to the remote machines. I am doing nothing with the remote machines.
Martin said:
So enabling any those disabled values on the screenshot will cause a crash ?

Yes. Even if every value is disabled, it will still crash if I enable one of the disabled values in the picture. It doesn't matter what order I connect the machines. It will always be the second connected remote machine GPU#1. (both remote machines have identical hardware)
Please try the following: start HWiNFO in Debug Mode with those items disabled, so it will work. Then enable the last item (PCIe Link Speed) and after it crashes, please attach the new Debug File.
So it doesn't matter in which order you add those laptops and it will always when adding a 3rd machine ?
Well, this problem is really tough to diagnose. But I will try to reproduce it, which if successful would allow me to understand it much better.
Meanwhile another idea - please try to raise the Global Polling frequency (default 2000 ms) to a larger number and see if that maybe helps.
Martin said:
Well, this problem is really tough to diagnose. But I will try to reproduce it, which if successful would allow me to understand it much better.
Meanwhile another idea - please try to raise the Global Polling frequency (default 2000 ms) to a larger number and see if that maybe helps.

I am also having a similar problem. I can add 3 machines, but the 4th will crash hwinfo. If I disable a large chunk of the sensors I can add a 4th, and then the 5th crashes.
I have tried to reproduce this problem on 2 different configurations and 4-6 additional systems connected, but 'sadly' it works for me and can't get it to crash..
Will need to investigate more...
Sorry for taking so long, but I was finally able to reproduce this problem.
It should be fixed since v5.85-3455 Beta.