AGP Error


New Member
I have a MSi Master2 FAR7 Mainboard with K8T800 Pro chipset, while analyzing the system in inform that my AGp slot is in use even if I have PCI HD5450 graphic adapter.
Please attach a report file and tell me exactly at which place the error occurs.
In case this is under the SMBIOS DMI section, then the BIOS is responsible for this error (HWiNFO in this case only interprets the information it gets from BIOS).
I attach the report, but the info are undere the SMBIOS DMI section.
Could depend that the AGP slot share his resource with something else?


I just think this is a rest in BIOS where the engineers forgot to remove this information.
Sometimes a BIOS upgrade might fix this.
I have the latest BIOS version and the latest graphic card doesn't work.
Could it this false information the cause?