BSOD running HWINFO64


New Member
Hello from Singapore.
I tried using HWINFO64, however I get a BSOD on running it, which is surprising since this is virtually the first time I have a BSOD on this machine, otherwise very stable.
I tried 3 times, 3 BSODs.
I attach the dbg file.
Thank you so much for help.

Antoine Savine.


Hello. According to the debug file, this is a very strange crash. Please try to disable the "Flush Buffers on Start" option in HWiNFO / Settings before launching the scan.
Please let me know if this helped.
Martin said:
Hello. According to the debug file, this is a very strange crash. Please try to disable the "Flush Buffers on Start" option in HWiNFO / Settings before launching the scan.
Please let me know if this helped.

Sorry, no change. Still getting the BSOD, apparently when it tries to analyse the SCSI drive config. Note my system HDD is a SSD attached to a Marvel sata 3 card attached to a PCI bus, and my extra drive is a standard HDD attached through a sata-to-sas cable into a sas port, and I removed to intel RSTe drivers from my system. Could it be the cause?
Certain storage drivers can cause such issue, you might try to upgrade them and see if that helps.
If it doesn't you can disable the entire drive scan in HWiNFO.