Crashes entire computer on opening


New Member
Hi, so I'm not sure how to explain this issue, but ever since earlier this year in January, I've been having problems with using hwinfo. It started after I updated to the latest Windows 10 Feature build. After that time, I noticed that when I used my computer for some amount of time, it would eventually get to a point where the program that I was using would freeze, and then slowly the rest of the computer would as well. I tried a lot of fixes by myself; including reseting Windows 10 and multiple command prompt commands, and it only seemed to delay the problem. Then, I began to notice that when HWINFO64 (latest build) is on, or when I open it, it will freeze around the part when it opens (when it's searching all the sensors and etc), and then that freeze would travel to the rest of my computer.

I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm almost positive that it's not a hardware issue, since when I gave my computer to a shop for repair they said that they were able to do things like stream youtube videos for hours with no issues, and told me that my hardware was fine. I've also updated all my drivers and checked literally everything else. I could leave it there, but I really need to use HWinfo, so I was hoping that there was a way to stop these crashes from happening.

(Unfortunately, since I can't really get into the application I also can't really get an offical bug report)
Even though HWiNFO freezes, you should be able to generate a Debug File and retrieve it after reboot as described here:
Please do so, then I can analyze what's the problem.

It froze again, but here was the last generated Debug file. I notice that sometimes it goes through and gets into the actual application before it freezes, but most of the time it stops around "ATA/SCSI" at the beginning.


This looks like a problem with the Intel Rapid Storage driver, it crashes when HWiNFO queries information from it.
Try to upgrade the driver to latest version, sometimes if the latest version is buggy a downgrade might be required.
If nothing helps, disable Driver Scan in HWiNFO settings.
This looks like a problem with the Intel Rapid Storage driver, it crashes when HWiNFO queries information from it.
Try to upgrade the driver to latest version, sometimes if the latest version is buggy a downgrade might be required.
If nothing helps, disable Driver Scan in HWiNFO settings.
Still there is something wrong though with the build IMO. HWiNFO is just surface it.

A stall during scan can indicate certain issues with that particular item. When I OCed BCLK (101~102MHz) the scan proccess stall to SCSI/drives scan, telling there was something wrong with my NVMe drive because of PCI-E bus OC that is tied with BCLK.

Could be a drive failing? other than a driver issue I mean...
Still there is something wrong though with the build IMO. HWiNFO is just surface it.

A stall during scan can indicate certain issues with that particular item. When I OCed BCLK (101~102MHz) the scan proccess stall to SCSI/drives scan, telling there was something wrong with my NVMe drive because of PCI-E bus OC that is tied with BCLK.

Could be a drive failing? other than a driver issue I mean...

I don't want to think that, but maybe. I notice that sometimes when I restart my computer after it's frozen my OS drive wont be detectable by the motherboard, and I'll have to restart one or two more times for it to be picked up. This is no matter which SATA port I use. But using CrystalDiskInfo and etc shows that that drive is fine, so I don't know what's going on.

Also @Martin I disabled driver scan in HWiNFO settings but it still crashed after I went into a game. I want to attach another DBG file, but it says that it's too big for the server?