Crossfire 2nd-3nd 290 sensors.


New Member
Hello Martin, I would like to ask you some questions.

When crossfire enable 2nd and 3nd missing sensors.

-GPU D3D Memory Dedicated (unimportant to me)
-GPU D3D Memory Dynamic (unimportant to me)
-GPU D3D Usage (important )

Because into msi afterburner broken/works incorrect gpu usage monitor if use fix "unified gpu usage monitor " works fine with one gpu, but for multi gpu works  like clone activity gpu even if crossfire was disabled..
Is there any hope to  fix that problem in the new blinds  if possible, of course?? :(    and sorry for my english..
Sorry, but I'm not sure if I understand exactly the problem.
Why don't you use "GPU Utilization" instead ?
For 2nd and additional GPUs, they might not report values when they are idle because of the Catalyst ULPS feature (which can be disabled, so the additional GPUs won't be sleeping and you will see all sensor values always).
The problem is missing 2nd gpu and 3nd gpu "GPU D3D Usage"  when crossfire enable...
UPLS disable, GPU Utilization Yes, it has but for me   GPU Utilization show correct gpu usage only under high gpu usage (%60+) if less then %60  works like afterburner drops for 0% both cards or Single card  (crossfire works normal just gpu load sensor it's the problem some amd cards xxxx )  

Because it's the only hope GPU D3D Usage it works good,  oh that's the point Martin...

Crossfire enable
Crossfire disable
I'm afraid I don't think there's much I can do, it seems to be a driver issue.
Does GPU-Z show the same behavior with GPU Load ?
GPU-Z Yeap, when worse, (that's normal behavior for Hawaii chips and cap  :@ )  
Like I said, for example if you have a one card with that problem you can use fix from msi afterburner  "enable unified gpu usage monitor " 
but for multi gpu it works like clone primary card when crossfire was disable. 
May use HWiNFO  "GPU D3D Usage" it works every nice Martin :)  but for 290 in crossfire enable  missing sensors "GPU D3D Usage" nd2 nd3 cards :(
I used to sli 560 ti and second pc sli 760 ti  yes  they have some problems most of it was easy to fixed and the lettle bit was not ..
I knew that SLI batter then CFX but as for me it was a revelation, no cfx profiles for games, huge microshutter , low cfx scaling, e t c, 
These cards I have with the gpu mining times i had to sell then and that it was my huge mistake, AMD company's relationship to buyers xxxx 
from cfx so much pain and humiliation I hate amd, I just talked out sorry.

Martin thx for responsa.