EVGA 2080/2080Ti FTW3 Hybrid cards

First off love your software big fan been using it a many years and I'm sure you hear this a lot.

I recently picked up a EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid card this is their cards with the factory installed AIO cooler.  I love how you added support for these cards ICX2 to your software, big plus as EVGA's own PX1 software is still in beta and rather buggy to use I normally use MSI Afterburner and RTSS as well as HWINFO64 to keep track of how my system is running under heavy loads.  Here is a link to the product in case you want to reference.  https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=11G-P4-2484-KR

One thing I noticed and was wonder if you could support is the fans for the Hybrid models don't sync up with HWINFO.

The card has 3 possible fans readings.  1 on the card itself that cools the power area of the card, 1 attached to the radiator fan which comes from the card.  The 3rd possible fan reading could come from the fan header at the end of the card if you attached any 3rd party fans to it.  In my case I have nothing connected to that header.

From the screenshots you can see I set the 2 fans that are attached to the card to a constant speed so you could see what the steady RPMs are.  Fan 1 in the EVGA PX1 software is the fan physically on the card over the power area heat sink.  Fan 2 in the EVGA PX1 software is the fan connected to the radiator which is connected to fan header coming off the card via a dongle.  

In the screenshot of HWINFO you can see fan 0 and fan 1 are the same fan = Fan 1 on the graphics card and in the EVGA PX1 software.  Seems to be showing up 2x in HWINFO as 0 and 1.  (This happens in MSIAfterburner too btw just for your info)  The GPU fan 1 that is listed under the CXi info stays at 1500RPM all the time so I think that is possibly the fan header at the end of the card for 3rd party fans with nothing connected to it.  

I was hoping you could figure out how to show the Fan 2 RPM correctly in HWINFO as it shows up in PX1 software.  I didn't put this under bugs because I think this may quality more as a feature request if you ever have time kind of thing and not a bug.

Let me know if you have any questions or want me to provide more info or test anything for you.


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Thanks for your report.
EVGA iCX is a proprietary technology, so it's not easy to properly support it. But I have some idea how to fix this.
Would you be able to run both fans at different (semi-stable) speeds and create another DBG file? Please note the speeds they were running at during creating that dump.
Also it would be great if you could attach a 3rd fan and create another dump, currently I don't know how to read this fans' speed.
Martin said:
Thanks for your report.
EVGA iCX is a proprietary technology, so it's not easy to properly support it. But I have some idea how to fix this.
Would you be able to run both fans at different (semi-stable) speeds and create another DBG file? Please note the speeds they were running at during creating that dump.
Also it would be great if you could attach a 3rd fan and create another dump, currently I don't know how to read this fans' speed.

Sure I can do that.  The original dump I did in the first post the attachments had the speeds of the fans when I did the dump.  So in what I originally submitted I had fan 1 running at 20% which was 699 RPM according to PX1 software, and fan 2 I had set at 80% which was 1620 according to PX1 software.  Let me do another one right fast for you.  

In this attachment I started the fans at stock speeds so Fan 1 is off at zero rpm and fan 2 is running at 40% which is 810 RPM.  I then set fan 1 to 30% about 1050RPM and fan 2 set to 70% about 1410RPM.  

Unfortunately the 3rd header is covered up by the EVGA Powerlink I bought for cable management so I would need to pull that off which is a major pain its on there really solid.  I will see what I can do though as I'm sure it will help you out.


Thanks for the new dump. Unfortunately HWiNFO captures raw data for ICX only during startup, so if you changed fan speeds later, only the initial speeds are captured.
But I think I found how to properly read the speeds now :) Give me a minute and I will provide a test version..
Martin said:
Thanks for the new dump. Unfortunately HWiNFO captures raw data for ICX only during startup, so if you changed fan speeds later, only the initial speeds are captured.
But I think I found how to properly read the speeds now :) Give me a minute and I will provide a test version..

Ok noted thanks I was wondering if it would capture my changes or not.

Here is a 3rd dump file, this time I connected the 3rd fan to the fan header at the end of the card, was easier to take off the Powerlink connector than I thought it would be.  This may confuse you now though as it seems to have stuck the new fan as number 2 on the PX1 software and bumped the radiator fan from fan 2 to fan 3 now.  See screenshot.  

The PX1 software seems to be bugged though as I can't adjust the speed of that fan it stays at 27% no matter what I put as you can see from screenshot I have it set to 100% and its still running 27%.

For this dump I started up HWINFO with the fans set exactly as they are in the screenshot of PX1 you can see the RPM and speed setting to the left included the bugged fan 2 stuck at 27% always no matter the right side slider.

Also you can see from a screenshot of HWINFO it still shows that GPU fan 1 under the ICx area as 1500 so no idea what that is going to.  Maybe its one of the fans that would be used in a aircooled card as they normally have 2 or 3 fans on the big aircoooled heat sink.


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So here the test build: www.hwinfo.com/beta/hwi64_603_3685.zip
Few notes however:
- Fan1 seems to be completely controlled by NVIDIA, so it's not reported in the ICX section (ICX doesn't provide accurate data for it).
- The other fans will appear as Fan3 and Fan4. This is because ICX seems to support up-to 4 fans, their exact layout depends on EVGA GPU model and I don't know yet how to properly detect the layout to universally match fan numbers. Even PX1 seems to have a problem with this.
Let me know if you see any issues.
Martin said:
So here the test build: www.hwinfo.com/beta/hwi64_603_3685.zip
Few notes however:
- Fan1 seems to be completely controlled by NVIDIA, so it's not reported in the ICX section (ICX doesn't provide accurate data for it).
- The other fans will appear as Fan3 and Fan4. This is because ICX seems to support up-to 4 fans, their exact layout depends on EVGA GPU model and I don't know yet how to properly detect the layout to universally match fan numbers. Even PX1 seems to have a problem with this.
Let me know if you see any issues.

Totally works.  I unhooked that 3rd fan though before this test as it wasn't something I want to use anyway especially now that I know I can't even control the speed.  I'll have to let the EVGA people know that last part.  

Here is with your new version as you can see both fans show the right info now and you are the man!  I can just hide fan 1 as it duplicates fan 0 and then fan 3 in the icx area has the right RPM for the radiator fan.


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Thanks for the feedback and help!
Yes you can hide Fan1 under the NVIDIA heading. I think it's duplicating it because it has no knowledge of iCX fans.
I will probably bring back Fan1 under the iCX heading, just to be there..
Martin said:
Thanks for the feedback and help!
Yes you can hide Fan1 under the NVIDIA heading. I think it's duplicating it because it has no knowledge of iCX fans.
I will probably bring back Fan1 under the iCX heading, just to be there..

No problem helping especially when it was something I asked for, only seems fair to help you track it down.  By the way if you want anyone else to test this out I am sure I could get some of the guys on the EVGA forums to test it as well.
Of course, would be nice to have this tested on other models too. They might feature different fan configurations.
Martin said:
Of course, would be nice to have this tested on other models too. They might feature different fan configurations.

No problem. Once you get the build done how you want it just you can put it in this thread and I will send them here.  To add feedback to mine.
Played 2 high end games for several hours after you finished this beta build today. The Division 2 beta and Anthem to stress things out and everything seems good so far. Reporting in HWINFO matches up with EVGA PX1 software.