External hot plugged disk confuses individual sensor names [solved, may be closed]

1st thanks for your great software !
I have a problem by using it with hot plugable disk drive. The disk is only plugged to computer some times for backup. I configured individual names for sensors without the disk and all works fine. After plugging the external (eSATA-)disk to computer this disk sensors are sorted at 1st of all disks in HWiNFO64's sensor and configuration window and the own sensor names of the disks are confused. The internal names are correct. In HWiNFOMonitor also the other following own assigned sensor names (i.e. grafic cards) are confused.

greatings, Matthias

EDIT: Only changed thread title (sesor -> sensor):blush:


RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

That seems to be because the order of drives changes when the external drive is attached. Is this the SAMSUNG HD103UJ ?
Could you please also attach the respective Debug Files from both situations for a deeper analysis ?
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Thank you for fast answer. You'r right, the SAMSUNG HD103UJ is the external attached drive. I also think the reason is the changed order of drives, but that's not the solution ;)
The configuration of HWiNFOMonitor shows another indexing of sensors, the SAMSUNG HD103UJ is inserted as 1st disk and all other sensors numberd one index higher.
Here are two cuts from HWiNFOMonitor's configuration file, made better readable by inserting newlines between sensor sections:
- without external disk:
{"id":"7001000","sensor":"S.M.A.R.T.","title":"VERTEX2","dspTitle":"VERTEX2","value":30,"units":"°C","minval":30,"maxval":30,"style":4,"useDefaultColors":true,"titleColor":"#87CEFA","valueColor":"#FFFFFF","unitsColor":"#87CEFA","gridColor":"#004400","hdrBkgdColor":"#444444","hdrTextColor":"#FFFFFF","iconIndex":8,"barLimit":[30,45,50,55,60],"barColors":["#36B74E","#FFFF00","#FF6600","#FF0000"],"enabled":true,"hasSeparator":false,"path":[],"SSEnabled":false,"hasHeader":true,"header":"SSDs & HDDs","modType":0,"modFactor":0,"modUnits":"","modValue":30},
{"id":"7007000","sensor":"S.M.A.R.T.","title":"VERTEX2 R.L.","dspTitle":"VERTEX2 R.L.","value":100,"units":"%","minval":100,"maxval":100,"style":4,"useDefaultColors":true,"titleColor":"#87CEFA","valueColor":"#FFFFFF","unitsColor":"#87CEFA","gridColor":"#004400","hdrBkgdColor":"#444444","hdrTextColor":"#FFFFFF","iconIndex":8,"barLimit":[0,85,90,100,100],"barColors":["#FF0000","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#36B74E"],"enabled":true,"hasSeparator":false,"path":[],"SSEnabled":false,"hasHeader":false,"header":"","modType":0,"modFactor":0,"modUnits":"","modValue":100},
{"id":"10006000","sensor":"GPU [#0]: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti: nVidia Internal","title":"Core Clk","dspTitle":"Core Clk","value":1241.129,"units":"MHz","minval":1241.129,"maxval":1241.129,"style":4,"useDefaultColors":true,"titleColor":"#87CEFA","valueColor":"#FFFFFF","unitsColor":"#87CEFA","gridColor":"#004400","hdrBkgdColor":"#444444","hdrTextColor":"#FFFFFF","iconIndex":19,"barLimit":[324,540,706,1020,1319],"barColors":["#36B74E","#FFFF00","#FF6600","#FF0000"],"enabled":true,"hasSeparator":false,"path":[],"SSEnabled":false,"hasHeader":true,"header":"GeForce GTX 660 Ti","modType":0,"modFactor":0,"modUnits":"","modValue":1241.129},
- with external disk:
{"id":"8001000","sensor":"S.M.A.R.T.","title":"VERTEX2","dspTitle":"VERTEX2","value":30,"units":"°C","minval":30,"maxval":30,"style":4,"useDefaultColors":true,"titleColor":"#87CEFA","valueColor":"#FFFFFF","unitsColor":"#87CEFA","gridColor":"#004400","hdrBkgdColor":"#444444","hdrTextColor":"#FFFFFF","iconIndex":8,"barLimit":[30,45,50,55,60],"barColors":["#36B74E","#FFFF00","#FF6600","#FF0000"],"enabled":true,"hasSeparator":false,"path":[],"SSEnabled":false,"hasHeader":true,"header":"SSDs & HDDs","modType":0,"modFactor":0,"modUnits":"","modValue":30},
{"id":"8007000","sensor":"S.M.A.R.T.","title":"VERTEX2 R.L.","dspTitle":"VERTEX2 R.L.","value":100,"units":"%","minval":100,"maxval":100,"style":4,"useDefaultColors":true,"titleColor":"#87CEFA","valueColor":"#FFFFFF","unitsColor":"#87CEFA","gridColor":"#004400","hdrBkgdColor":"#444444","hdrTextColor":"#FFFFFF","iconIndex":8,"barLimit":[0,85,90,100,100],"barColors":["#FF0000","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#36B74E"],"enabled":true,"hasSeparator":false,"path":[],"SSEnabled":false,"hasHeader":false,"header":"","modType":0,"modFactor":0,"modUnits":"","modValue":100},
{"id":"11006000","sensor":"GPU [#0]: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti: nVidia Internal","title":"Core Clk","dspTitle":"Core Clk","value":1241.129,"units":"MHz","minval":1241.129,"maxval":1241.129,"style":4,"useDefaultColors":true,"titleColor":"#87CEFA","valueColor":"#FFFFFF","unitsColor":"#87CEFA","gridColor":"#004400","hdrBkgdColor":"#444444","hdrTextColor":"#FFFFFF","iconIndex":19,"barLimit":[324,540,706,1020,1319],"barColors":["#36B74E","#FFFF00","#FF6600","#FF0000"],"enabled":true,"hasSeparator":false,"path":[],"SSEnabled":false,"hasHeader":true,"header":"GeForce GTX 660 Ti","modType":0,"modFactor":0,"modUnits":"","modValue":1241.129},


ps: You may extend your notice for creating debug file at this location Read this before submitting a report:

- Running HWiNFO32/64 in Debug Mode might be considerably slower than in normal mode (especially running from a flash drive or certain sensor scanning).
You may increase the speed by changing the process priority of HWinFO64.exe in windows task manager, i.e. to high.


RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Thanks for the data. It seems the order of physically detected drives is not changing (means that the external drive gets detected as the last one in the order, which is good).
So please try the following:
- Press the "Restore Original Order" button when the external drive is attached and start again.
- If that doesn't help, you might go into the main HWiNFO Configure options and press the "Reset Preferences" button. Note that doing this, you'll loose your custom sensor settings with labels etc, but it might help to fix this problem...
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Hello Martin,
thanks for your advices. First point doesn't solve the problem. Than I resetted HWiNFO completely witch none attached external disk. The only thing I done after that was disabling the sensors that I don't need. Then starting HWiNFO with and without attached external disk seems fine (in HWiNFO :D). The problem with HWiNFOMonitor described in my last post remains the same :(.
May you post this thread to developers of HWiNFOMonitor on short way or should I create a new thread in that sub forum by myself ?
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

I'll notify the author of HWiNFOMonitor about this.
But maybe you'll need to reinit HWiNFOMonitor too ?
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

matthiasschroeder said:
The configuration of HWiNFOMonitor shows another indexing of sensors, the SAMSUNG HD103UJ is inserted as 1st disk and all other sensors numberd one index higher.

Yes, this appears to be the issue.

"id":"7007000","sensor":"S.M.A.R.T.","title":"VERTEX2 R.L."
"id":"10006000","sensor":"GPU [#0]: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti: nVidia Internal","title":"Core Clk"
- vs -
"id":"8007000","sensor":"S.M.A.R.T.","title":"VERTEX2 R.L."
"id":"11006000","sensor":"GPU [#0]: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti: nVidia Internal","title":"Core Clk"

The external drive is inserted as 7001000 which bumps the existing 7001000 and 7007000 entries to 8001000 and 8007000, 8001000 gets bumped to 9001000, 9001000 to 10001000, and 10006000 to 1100600, etc. All entries move up 1 million starting at 7.

The HWiNFOMonitor gadget uses the id to associate the value read from HWiNFO's shared memory to the entry and its associated settings you have specified in the gadget. So any change to the id will cause a mismatch on the preferences. So in this case, the new drive at 7001000 will start using the preferences that exist for 7001000 already which were previously set for the VERTEX2 drive. The VERTEX2 will use the HD103SJ preferences. The VERTEX2 R.L. drive will use default settings because it is now using 8007000 but there was no previous hardware id for that.

Martin, is it possible for the id to not change for new hardware added to the system? We decided to use this as a guideline for the id:
- the sensor index * 1,000,000 <s>
- the reading type * 1000 <r> (temp=1000, voltages=2000, etc)
- the index of the reading entry <i>
......or in short: sss,rrr,iii
So if the new HD103UJ drive is inserted into the system, it should not take 7. Instead it should take the next available sensor entry, which could be 20+ or 30+.

Let me know your thoughts.

RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

I think this is somehow related to the problem that happened in HWiNFO sensors as well, which could be because of the changes in the latest build to allow changing item positions. That seems to be fixed by resetting all HWiNFO preferences and seems to work OK for HWiNFO sensors window now.
So my guess is, that the original error was carried over to HWiNFOMonitor as well and might be fixed by resetting HWiNFOMonitor preferences too.
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Thanks Martin,

You can reset the gadget settings by:
  1. Close the gadget
  2. Delete the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\HWiNFOMonitor folder
  3. Reopen gadget

Let us know how you make out.
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Oh man, you are very active ! Thanks to Martin and stangowner. I'll try resetting HWinFOMonitor too. I wanted to exclude this because it was some work to customize its layout.

I checked the following:
  1. stopped HWiNFO
  2. stopped HWiNFOMonitor
  3. attached external disk
  4. reset HWiNFOMonitor configuration as described by stangowner
  5. started HWiNFO
  6. started HWiNFOMonitor
  7. stopped HWiNFOMonitor
The view of HWiNFOMonitor was ok, this is the configuration after these steps:

Next steps:
  1. detached external disk
  2. reset HWiNFOMonitor configuration as described by stangowner
  3. started HWiNFO
  4. started HWiNFOMonitor
  5. stopped HWiNFOMonitor
The HWiNFOMonitor view was "confused", this is the configuration after these steps:

Steps in reverse plugging external disk:
  1. detached external disk
  2. reset HWiNFOMonitor configuration as described by stangowner
  3. started HWiNFO
  4. started HWiNFOMonitor
  5. stopped HWiNFOMonitor
The view of HWiNFOMonitor was ok, this is the configuration after these steps:

Next steps:
  1. attached external disk
  2. reset HWiNFOMonitor configuration as described by stangowner
  3. started HWiNFO
  4. started HWiNFOMonitor
  5. stopped HWiNFOMonitor
The HWiNFOMonitor view was "confused", this is the configuration after these steps:

Atm it seems there's no way to keep function / configuration of HWiNFOMonitor correctly witch attached / detached external disk.:(
It's not so problematic because the external disk is used only sometimes. I made backup of HWiNFOMonitor configuration and if I forgot to exit the gadget before attaching external disk I restore the configuration after detaching the disk.
But it would be nice to use HWiNFO / HMiNFOMonitor also with external disk because it is for backup and it's important to know as much as possible about its health.


RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

I'm still seeing a clash if IDs, just at 10 now instead of 7. So I'm not sure I have a good fix for you. I'd recommend for now just closing the gadget before you use the external drive, and reopen it after the drive is removed. During this time, you can just use HWiNFO directly instead of the gadget for monitoring. Good idea making a backup just in case.
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

I think this happens, because when the external drive is attached, the order of sensors changes (the indexes are shifted by one past the new sensor) and that causes the problem. While HWiNFO has no problem with this, because it uses different referencing of sensor instances, I'm not sure if it's somehow possible to change the way how sensor instances are addressed by HWiNFOMonitor (rather than by sensor index)...
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Martin said:
I think this happens, because when the external drive is attached, the order of sensors changes (the indexes are shifted by one past the new sensor) and that causes the problem. While HWiNFO has no problem with this, because it uses different referencing of sensor instances, I'm not sure if it's somehow possible to change the way how sensor instances are addressed by HWiNFOMonitor (rather than by sensor index)...

Is it possible for you to expose HWiNFO's internally used ID in shared memory so I can use that? Or PM me with more info so we can discuss what could be used instead? We created the ID scheme because there was nothing else in shared memory to work off of (for instance, the names can change too, etc). The Rainmeter plugin has the same issue as it was also architected to use the ID in the skin files......

Or is there a way for you to ensure the indexes in shared memory never change? Maybe keep a mapping of the 2 IDs to decide where in the array to insert new items? This may resolve the issue without requiring a major change to the 2 extensions already in use.....if it is doable on your side.

Let me know, thanks!
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sesor names

Hello Martin and stangowner, I see you are working on the problem. Thank you again, I will wait for solution in programs and use so long your advice:
I'd recommend for now just closing the gadget before you use the external drive, and reopen it after the drive is removed.
I'm working in software development by myself an know which difficulties may occur with interface handlings. Let me know, if you have more questions, need something more help from me or have another solution.

best regards Matthias
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sensor names

Just to let you know what we're still working on this issue. Will post an update if we have a solution...
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sensor names

Martin said:
Just to let you know what we're still working on this issue. Will post an update if we have a solution...

Hmm, in actual version 4.24-2000 the external disk isn't listet. Other tools (i.e. CrystalDiskInfo) show the drive.
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sensor names

Yep, I know. We need to completely change the interface between HWiNFO and addons and we still haven't finished it :(
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sensor names

Martin said:
Yep, I know. We need to completely change the interface between HWiNFO and addons and we still haven't finished it :(

I don't wanted to push up, only want to give some more feedback. I'm developing software in business and I know, what strong work it is to change interfaces.
RE: External hot plugged disk confuses individual sensor names

Just to update on this... It's not forgotten ;)
The newly released HWiNFO32/64 v4.30 features a new interface for plugins, which offers better addressing of sensor devices.
Now the plugins (including HWiNFOMonitor) will be updated and that should fix your problem.
Just a bit more patience... ;)