Fan control for x58.

Hello, I been using Hwinfo for quite a few years now always monitoring how things are doing. Paired with riva server it helped me solve a lot of hardware related issues and generally understand how hardware is used.
I been thinking about how convenient it would be to be able to set fan control graph to reduce noise. As far as I know there are only two programs that can do it on this x58 board that I am using ( GA-X58A-UD3R rev 2.0 ). Easytune and Argus monitor, Easytune have plenty of windows 10 related issues and generally lets just say it doesn't allow to set graph for fan speed properly. While Argus monitor allow to set fine tuned graph for fan speed it's not really convenient for me to run both Argus monitor and Hwinfo all the time.

It would be really useful to have fan control feature in Hwinfo and if there is any information needed regarding this board I can provide it.