FAN Control Keeps Reverting to CUSTOM AUTO even after clicking SYSTEM AUTO. Is there any way to DELETE CUSTOM AUTO PROFILE? I want to go back to SYSTEM AUTO only. Do not wish to do Battery Pull as battery is not removable.
Reverts after every RESTART or REBOOT. Thank you.
You can delete the custom auto profile in HWiNFO by doing a "Reset Preferences" in main settings.
This profile is stored in HWiNFO only, which only sends respective fan speed commands to system when custom auto mode is enabled.
You can delete the custom auto profile in HWiNFO by doing a "Reset Preferences" in main settings.
This profile is stored in HWiNFO only, which only sends respective fan speed commands to system when custom auto mode is enabled.
Thank you for your reply. Will doing a a "Reset Preferences" in main settings clear out all of my custom display settings also?
I set SENSOR 1 and SENSOR 2 in both CPU FAN and GPU FAN to NONE/OFF and all seems well now as system now starts in SYSTEM AUTO. FAN SPEEDS still displayed too.
Is this same as a "Reset Preferences" in main settings?
"Reset Preferences" will clear all settings including custom display settings.
But since you already reset custom fan settings, I think there's no need for that.