Flashing Northbridge status line


New Member
Recently both my HDDs started experiencing problems, HDD repairs are not very successful (spotty) indicating possible I/O issues. 

Checked HWiNFO32 and on System Summary Screen I can see 2 or often 3 regularly flashing lines (whole lines): 
Northbridge Status (all values - whole line), and 
HT Status (whole line) - both are flashing regularly, 
often together with CPU Status (2 last values).
Other lines and values are unaffected.

Flashing is similar in behavior to car's blinker, regular and timed, not random.
Seems that Mobo may have some power supply or Northbridge issues, could this be correct?
Any other explanation to this summary display behavior? (Laptop and another computer display all values without any hitch).
Did not check sensors only screen... Tried "Summary" several times, always with the same result.
Thanks guys. 

Btw. great tool.
Those flashing items are not an indication of a problem with the system, it's rather a user-interface bug in HWiNFO.
For the HDD problem you see, I suggest to check the respective Drive / S.M.A.R.T. status in HWiNFO.
Thanks Martin.
Well, it seemed like too much of a coincidence... and possible explanation. PC works fine most of the time, just causes a lot errors on HDD's and sometimes random shutdowns. SMART OK most of the time. Seatools unreliable. Once HDD 100%, then unrecoverable errors... go figure. Everything points to I/O issues and that is close enough to Northbridge... When I saw HWiNFO results seemed like an explanation...
Event log: I/O controller errors. Motherboard Model: ASUS M4A785TD-M EVO.
Are you saying I should accept flashing lines/values as normal behavior or is there a way to reset UI... Flashing values do not usually build my confidence.

(Btw. just getting a PCI debug card to try from a diff. angle).