When i'm playing GTA V with HWinfo64 OSD, FPS stuck at 30FPS. With MSI After FPS OSD, show normal FPS.
In other games (Overwatch, The Witcher 3, Project Cars), HWinfo64 FPS OSD works normally.
Asus ROG G751JT
i7 4720HQ
GTX 970M - Driver (368.69 ~ 372.90)
HWinfo64 - V5.34 ~ V5.36
Nvidia Driver with G-Sync enable, Fast Sync enable ~ disable and at GTA V config V-Sync Disable.
In other games (Overwatch, The Witcher 3, Project Cars), HWinfo64 FPS OSD works normally.
Asus ROG G751JT
i7 4720HQ
GTX 970M - Driver (368.69 ~ 372.90)
HWinfo64 - V5.34 ~ V5.36
Nvidia Driver with G-Sync enable, Fast Sync enable ~ disable and at GTA V config V-Sync Disable.