Fully Automated Hwinfo Logging + Stress Testing Script + Uploader


This is a compiled script written in AHK 


  • Fully automated launching and logging of hwinfo, running of stress testing (Furmark and Prime95), and uploading of the log file to a website, then copying that link to the users clipboard.
  • Fully portable and disposable, no installation needed.
  • No additional downloadable dependances needed, everything is included in the package.
  • Message boxes to alert the user of what's happening with a countdown and progress bar that automatically close when a task finishes.
  • Recovery feature that alerts that alerts the user there has been an unexpected shutdown or interrupt, showing the last known log, and prepending "Recovery" to it.

  • Help assisting users seeking Tech Support to automate what could seem confusing on their end, and copying a link to their clipboard to share to the helper.
Theoretically, you could modify this script to upload to a different website to parse the information in a graphical HWINFO .csv file analyzer.

1. Simply download the file from here: Download

2. Run HWTester.exe

If you're just testing and don't intend to run it fully (interrupting the program, for example) please remove the HWTester-Recovery.exe from shell:startup. Although, if you intend to test the program, you're expected to let it finish. It will delete itself from shell:startup if it wasn't interrupted. It also deletes itself if when HWTester-Recovery.exe is ran.

Here is what I want to know how it went:

Windows OS version
Did you have any errors running the .exe file?
Did your Antivirus or firewall disapprove of it?
Did you have any errors in AutoHotkey or cmd.exe?
Did hwinfo, prime95, and gputest run?
Did the link to the log file copy to your clipboard when everything completed?
Any additional comments, recommendations, or complaints?

Source code of everything:
