GPU Power and % of TDP


Active Member
The "Total GPU Power (normalized) [% of TDP]" nor "Total GPU Power [% of TDP]" readings never exceeds 100%, when I think they should.

The TDP of the GPU is 150W.

For example, the reading of "GPU Power" is 213.809W and the % of TDP is 93.8% and 96.5% for normalized.

Shouldn't the % of TDP reading be 142.539 % since 213.809/150 ?

What is the difference between "Total GPU Power [% of TDP]" and "Total GPU Power (normalized) [% of TDP]" ?


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Well, this is indeed interesting.
The total "GPU Power" is read via a different interface than the other power percentage values. But both values come via dedicated NVIDIA interfaces (NVML / NVAPI), which should provide valid values. Unfortunately NVIDIA doesn't provide more details about the exact meaning of those values and whether they cover only the GPU chip, or rest of the GPU card as well.
One of the values in % is normalized to actual TDP limit set by user (which can be adjusted), the other one to the nominal (marketed) TDP value.
I'm sorry that I can't give you a more exact answer for your observation, it's because NVIDIA doesn't give more details. Perhaps they could shed more light on their forums, or via their support line...
Martin said:
Well, this is indeed interesting.
The total "GPU Power" is read via a different interface than the other power percentage values. But both values come via dedicated NVIDIA interfaces (NVML / NVAPI), which should provide valid values. Unfortunately NVIDIA doesn't provide more details about the exact meaning of those values and whether they cover only the GPU chip, or rest of the GPU card as well.
One of the values in % is normalized to actual TDP limit set by user (which can be adjusted), the other one to the nominal (marketed) TDP value.
I'm sorry that I can't give you a more exact answer for your observation, it's because NVIDIA doesn't give more details. Perhaps they could shed more light on their forums, or via their support line...

You are right above nvidia doesn't provide more details. I will try the nvidia forums and I will report back if I find out anything.

Keep up the good work, Martin, and thanks you. Ever since I discovered HWInfo and Rainmeter, my tech experience became more exciting.  :cool: