GPU power parameters explainations?



I see that my mobile GPU has these measurements: 
- GPU Core Power
- GPU Memory Power
GPU Power

The "GPU Power" seems to be a lot lower than the GPU Core Power and probably it's a part of the "Core Power"
What's the difference between the two reds? anyone knows?

Which GPU do you have? Can you provide more exact numbers - idle and under load ?
Hi Martin and thanks

1. Radeon M385X (Lenovo Y700)
GPU Core Power [W] GPU Memory Power [W] GPU Power [W]
42.9 72 21.076
31.2 72 21.166
30.225 72 21.113
88.306 74.7 25.135
69.3 73.8 25.162
57.6 74.7 25.069
43.875 72 25.13
37.2 72 20.197
10.65 5.6 7.05
10.65 5.6 7.05
10.65 5.6 7.05
14.719 21.6 7.178
14.719 28.8 7.23
14.719 21.6 8.015
14.813 24.3 8.073
48.763 72 32.231
107.119 78.3 35.227
99.225 76.5 34.207
22.425 56.7 13.052
66.4 74.7 32.183
10.65 5.644 7.05
95.7 74.7 36.068
14.719 71.1 13.066
97.85 72 36.208
113.05 73.8 37.105
92.338 79.2 36.206
85.912 79.2 36.224
84.281 79.2 36.121
144.463 79.2 38.16
94.05 79.2 37.028
94.05 79.2 36.181
94.05 79.2 36.233
Well, this is interesting :)
I have tested a lot of AMD GPUs and never saw the "GPU Power" being reported. This value is actually retrieved via AMD's 'official' interface, while "GPU Core Power" and "GPU Memory Power" are read using a different proprietary method. Unfortunately AMD doesn't provide more information about the meaning of those values, but since the "GPU Power" value is read using an 'official' method and because that value seems much more reasonable than the other two on your GPU, I'd trust the "GPU Power" value.

It's also possible that the "GPU Core Power" and "GPU Memory Power" might require some adjusting for your GPU.
Can you please provide the HWiNFO Debug File of your machine? Also it would be helpful if you could provide values of all GPU parameters while they are stable (i.e. stabilized when GPU is idle, or under a constant load). I'll then have a look if it's possible to fix that.