HOW Frametime Min, Max nd Avrg in RTSS ?


New Member
How does one create performance overlay for Framteime Minimum, Maximum and Average, in RTSS I cant seem to find data sources for these performance metrics I just mentioned, but HWinfo app does show Frametime Minimum, Maximum nd Average.

I mean, HWinfo shows the data i like to have, but in RTSS i cant find a way to make a performance overlay of the frametime metrics, I can only use current Frametime values, But I like to have more detailed presentation of my frametime.
If you are configuring RTSS output from HWiNFO, then it's the "Show value type" in "OSD (RTSS)" tab of sensor settings.
If you're using the HWiNFO plugin in MSI AB then it's responsibility of the plugin author.
I have not a complete idea of what your saying to solve the challange im currently facing to get data source from Frametime Min, Max, and Avrg to be used from RTSS.

Within RTSS I created layers nd used some data sources from HWInfo, but the data sources I like to have can not be found, except for Frametime nd not Min, Max and Avrg. However HWinfo app does show Frametime Min, Max and Avrg, what is the trick, cuz the data is there actually but how do I grab it nd use in RTSS.
HWiNFO exposes all those values but RTSS doesn't use min/max/avg. So this should be addressed to the author of RTSS.
oh, so its not yet supported by RTSS to show those specific data from HWiNFO, nd how does one adress this to Author of RTSS ?

If you can tell me, I would like to do it.
There is a forum at Guru3D maintained by the author of MSI AB and RTSS: