HWINFO doesn't start or write ini file/logs


The tile says it all. I can't share any logs or report files since they are not generated. HWiNFO simply doesn't seem to be doing anything, since it doesn't write the ini file and just disappears after the startup sequence. Screencaps:

It doesn't actually matter what settings I choose - I've pretty much tried all combinations without any change to the behavior. Any idea what might be going on here and what to try?
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Hmm, this is quite weird. The user interface of HWiNFO looks odd - like a combination of dark and light mode, the controls in the window don't seem to work either. That's not how it's supposed to look like and I have never seen such appearance.
I'm wondering whether you perhaps used some compatibility mode for HWiNFO?
Try to completely uninstall and install HWiNFO again.
Hmm, this is quite weird. The user interface of HWiNFO looks odd - like a combination of dark and light mode, the controls in the window don't seem to work either. That's not how it's supposed to look like and I have never seen such appearance.
I'm wondering whether you perhaps used some compatibility mode for HWiNFO?
Try to completely uninstall and install HWiNFO again.
I've tried multiple reinstalls, previous versions, etc. Compatability modes don't make a difference either. Standalone versions behave identically as well. My hadrware is quite standard and the OS is also quite a fresh install. Do let me know if there's anything else to try here.
Are you using Dark Mode in Windows or some other tweaked theme?
No problems with other applications, nothing else behaving weird?
No tweaks, just the standard W11 Dark Mode on. Everything else normal, it's a pretty standard setup. If there's anything you need me to provide, I'm glad to help.
Did you try to delete the hwinfo64.ini? In your first video I can see that it's encoded as UTF-8, maybe with BOM. This encoding isn't supported for INI files as far as I'm aware.
Did you try to delete the hwinfo64.ini? In your first video I can see that it's encoded as UTF-8, maybe with BOM. This encoding isn't supported for INI files as far as I'm aware.

Good point, I didn't notice that. Yet, it doesn't explain why the GUI looks so odd (dark + light) and some controls are missing (e.g. Theme selection).
The hwinfo64.ini is the one that came with the installation package. Upon removing it, it just gets recreated with the same UTF-8 encoding and the same two rows during the failing startup sequence. Manually changing it to BOM beforehand encoding also doesn't change anything.


Perhaps the reason is the rights or malfunction of the drive - try to copy the program to another disk, it is most reasonable to take HDD because SSD/Flash/memory cards, when refusing, often go into the Read Only mode, and starting to repeat all your actions from it. A faulty drive or Access Dined will become noticeable.


Perhaps the reason is the rights or malfunction of the drive - try to copy the program to another disk, it is most reasonable to take HDD because SSD/Flash/memory cards, when refusing, often go into the Read Only mode, and starting to repeat all your actions from it. A faulty drive or Access Dined will become noticeable.
Still no luck, nothing changes on a different drive. Unfortunately I don't have any HDDs to test on. Any other things to try out? Can the non-Pro version be forced into some different mode during startup with command line parameters etc.?
Command-line parameters is support only licensed version HWiNFO64 Pro. Free version just ignore it.

Well, of course, it can be assumed that your machine is controlled by afar, making a decision for you what you are allowed to use (this is a long time ago - for this there is an “remote assistant” (C) Microsoft in the system), but I would rather suspect the lock from the side Antivirus - for him false triggering a standard phenomenon.