HWinfo reporting different graphics card than GPUz


New Member
Has anyone ever encountered this issue before? I can't seem to find any info online about it. I Purchased an RX 470 4GB. AMD Adrenaline recognised it as an rx 470 and so does GPUz. However, HWiNFO is showing a different gpu. Is this a bug? Which one is accurate? Did I get scammed and bought a RX 560 XT that was flashed into a RX 470?
GPUZ vs HWinfo.PNG
Well, honestly, I'm not sure.. It "could" be a 470 as well but in general according to ID data this one belongs to 560 XT.
AMD drivers aren't reliably identifying it either...
RX 560 XT had less Shaders and TMUs activated compared to a RX 470.
Some of them could be flashed and unlocked to a 470 though.
