OKAY Martin,
I found your new switch. I thought you were talking about the minimize button on the window itself. I have mine checked now but I never use the red "X" button on the Summary window but the save and close button was always an annoyance as well, closing the the app.
I will try explaining again, MY view of System Tray analysis/maintaince "alway running" apps.
1. THE APPLICATION should NEVER be CLOSED by a CLOSE of any window.
2. The APPLICATION should ONLY be CLOSED by an "EXIT" in a System Tray Menu.
This is the way all of the other apps of this type work including Microsofts', that I use.
Examples: I will offer a couple; Winpatrol, EMET, Networx, System Explorer as well as GDrive Apps.
That is as clear as I know how to make it, Martin, but how well this will fold into where you are at or what you have in the app functionality, I don't know. It appears though that this seems to be a standard now days as I stated earlier.
Best Regards,