I suppose this is an issue of MSI Afterburner, since it doesn't use proper synchronization objects that are currently used by most monitoring applications.
HWiNFO32 with several other applications have recently moved to using Global namespace for these mutexes (to synchronize access to hardware when running concurrently), but some applications are still behind.
You can check this page for a list of applications: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.techpowerup.com/wiki/doku.php/systool/mutexes_to_avoid_collisions">http://www.techpowerup.com/wiki/doku.ph ... collisions</a><!-- m -->
According to information there, MSI Afterburner should use Global objects from version 2.1.0 beta 5, so I would suggest to get that version or a later and try it.
Because HWiNFO32 switched to Global namespace as other tools did as well.
Use the mentioned version of Afterburner or later and let me know if it works.
zook666 said:
HWiNFO32_3.68.1130 works with afterburner but not later versions?
But since it's Afterburner which crashes and HWiNFO32 survives, it's impossible for me to find why the other crashes. That needs to be fixed, but on other side.