HWiNFOMonitor - after Hardware upgrade - how i can remove the old sensor stats in "General/Advanced" tab?


New Member
I have upgrade my pc, new Board, cpu, gpu.
Now i have bove states available. All form my old rig and all from new rig.
It is very bad to find all the stats i want to see. It feels like 1 million stats are activalable.
How i can delete the old sensor stats in the "general/advanced" tabs?
I try the "Purge Monitors" button but it won´t work.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Are you using the HWiNFOMonitor gadget?
I have found the error.
I have back up the *json files from HWiNFOMonitor . If i restore the back up files at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\HWiNFOMonitor it includes my complete old rig data. How can i manual delet these wrong stings from the file?

If I don't use backup files and instead let the HWMonitor gadget create a new *json then all the data is exactly as it should be. So no old data available. However, I have to reset my settings from scratch to do this.
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