HWiNFOx64 wont load


New Member

I've been having this issue for some time now. When I minimize the HWiNFOx64 screen, and try to reopen, the app wont initialize. I have to either restart my pc or, I have to log off and log back in to get it to initilize again.

I'm running windows 10 pro on build 16299.192 (Latest Meltdown,Spectre build). It's probably more windows issue than HWiNFOx64 itself.

I just wanted to let you guys know in case there is a fix for it coming soon.

Other than that, I've never experienced any crashes or lock ups, runs perfectly fine.

I tried to upload a video but says it's too big.

Can you please provide more details about this problem? Your HWiNFO configuration, exact steps you perform and the result?
A video would be great, can you try to upload it somewhere else, i.e. Youtube ?
Here is the YouTube link. This is after I minimized it and then later tried to reopen.


Only 2 things I have configured is,
I took out the "Average" column.
I unchecked wake GPU on start of HWiNFO 64. I did this because it would actually make my EVGA closed loop CPU cooler fan ramp up when it first initialized.

If you want me to make a video of the entire process, I can. I just tried it again and I can't get it to open back up.
Another thing I noticed is that if I close HWI, I can open it back up no problem. Only happens if I minimize it.
Please look in the tray (notification) area if you see the HWiNFO icon. It might be hidden in the "Show hidden items" area.