I used to pull up the sensor list - I could see the details of the sensors and then look at a sub-window or it was in the lower part and it would show me this type of information... HWiNFOSensorId3=0xf0008721
This was useful becuase i would modify a Rainmeter skin to show all my fans - I could fix the sensor ID for something that was reporting zero to look at the right sensor ID... you get the point....
So my question is in the large list of sensors that HWinfo so brilliantly reads... where can i find the details of any one of them so I can pull the sensor ID string again.
Please give me a swift kick in the arse on this - I would love to fix my Rainmeter display!
Thanks in advance!
This was useful becuase i would modify a Rainmeter skin to show all my fans - I could fix the sensor ID for something that was reporting zero to look at the right sensor ID... you get the point....
So my question is in the large list of sensors that HWinfo so brilliantly reads... where can i find the details of any one of them so I can pull the sensor ID string again.
Please give me a swift kick in the arse on this - I would love to fix my Rainmeter display!
Thanks in advance!