Latest update crashes hwinfo (FIXED)


New Member
Recently updated hwinfo after seeing an update came out and i was a little behind. Now every time i try to load, it crashes and makes my pc restart. While trying to load sensors it eventually gets to a part where it stops maybe 90% of the way, my mouse gets supper laggy, rgbs on keyboard start flickering and after an minute or so it gives up and restarts. Haven't been able to successfully start up since updating. I check drivers and everything was up to date.


You need to capture the crash while running with Debug Mode enabled and the file you attached isn't such. Please try again and after reboot don't start HWiNFO, just grab the DBG file and post here.
Yup i had debug mode running, this is a fresh dbg of what's been going on. Oddly when i booted up this morning with debug mode already on i was able to get in 2 times. After turning debug off it went back to crashing again even after switching debug mode back on. It stops loading at "gpu ati" before the issue starts.

