Looking for info on a temperature reading that no one seems to know what it is.


New Member
I have a Asus Maximus Apex 13, There is a reading called (Temp2) Its reading very high temps of up to 111c. Everything else seems to be in line for temps. Does anyone know what this is reading and if its normal? I just purchased this board and want to know if its faulty. (it reads the same reading under default bios settings along with overclocked)
This is most probably an invalid value read from a sensor input which is not used on this mainboard.
This is most probably an invalid value read from a sensor input which is not used on this mainboard.
Ok, thats what I was thinking myself. It does however move from 98 up to 111 under games and stress testing, thats why I had to find if this was a bug. If it was a constant temp i wouldnt have bothered finding out.