Missing CPU Fan speed + one other question


New Member
I just updated to the most recent version of HWiNFO64, and now I can't get the CPU Fan reading to show up half the time. When it does show up the reading stays at 0 RPM. The only time I got it to read my fan speed was immediately after the initial update. Once I closed the window and reopened it, that's when the problems started. I don't recall ever having this problem prior to updating the software, and the only reason I did it was in hopes of fixing a problem I was having with Shadow of Mordor (foreshadowing for my second question later on). Now instead of one problem I have two to deal with, so I was hoping I could find out the fix here. I included my report and debug files like what was asked of me in the sticky. Anyway what is especially strange is that ever since I updated, it seems my other software is having difficulties reading my cpu fan speed as well. I don't know if there is anything I can do at the moment besides simply restarting my machine which I will do in a moment, but the fact this problem exists at all is rather annoying. Any thoughts? If restarting my pc fixes the problem then I will report back here, otherwise take my silence as a sign that things didn't work out.

As for my second question... It's a bit more off topic and may or may not be suited for this site so feel free to ignore it if that's indeed the case. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts why I'm having troubles getting RTSS to show my HWiNFO readings on my Shadow of Mordor game. They appear on other games, Skyrim being an example. Any thoughts on that would also be appreciated.

Edit: So restarting didn't really do much, but I seem to be noticing a pattern. My ASRock Extreme Tuning Utility is able to pick up my CPU fan speed, and only when I open up that software is HWiNFO willing to even acknowledge "CPU Fan" in its sensor list. Otherwise it's not even on the list. Not only that, but every 2-4 seconds the current value of "CPU Fan" in HWiNFO goes down to zero and picks back up at around 940 RPM where it's supposed to be. It's as if it can't get a good, constant reading.

Edit: And now it seems to be reading it just fine after closing my AXTU software. I don't know what the heck just happened, but it seemed to have sorted itself out so far. I guess HWiNFO just needs a kickstart by opening a different program and being all like "hey, listen. This software detects my cpu fan, so you better start doing it too." I don't know how that is supposed to work, but it seems to work reliably.


I don't think the issue with CPU fan is because you upgraded HWiNFO, but rather the way how you switch between various monitoring applications ;)
Now let me explain why: Many ASRock mainboards have multiple fan connected to a single fan monitoring input (mostly CPU1/CPU2 fans headers). This is IMO an unfortunate solution, but they did it, well... Now they have a switch which is used to specify which of those fans to read - so their XTU tool sets this switch to CPU1 and reads CPU1 fan speed, then CPU2, etc. However I have decided not to use this switch in HWiNFO, because if I would do, I would confuse the XTU - it would not know which fan it is actually reading when HWiNFO switches it. So depending on how XTU switches the fan, that's what HWiNFO reads out. Thus if XTU switches to CPU2 and you exit it, HWiNFO will always read 0 because there's no fan connected. To make it even worse, when the switch is set it takes a lot of time until one can read a correct fan speed, which would cause several delays in monitoring tools.
I know this makes the CPU1/2 fan speed readout to look erratic, but I believe that any other change would make things worse. As a solution for you, I suggest to connect the CPU fan to a different header than CPU1 or CPU2.

Regarding the RTSS in Shadow of Mordor, I'm not the author of RTSS nor I don't know that game, but basically if a game is using Mantle, you won't see the values in RTSS.
Martin said:
I don't think the issue with CPU fan is because you upgraded HWiNFO, but rather the way how you switch between various monitoring applications ;)
Now let me explain why: Many ASRock mainboards have multiple fan connected to a single fan monitoring input (mostly CPU1/CPU2 fans headers). This is IMO an unfortunate solution, but they did it, well... Now they have a switch which is used to specify which of those fans to read - so their XTU tool sets this switch to CPU1 and reads CPU1 fan speed, then CPU2, etc. However I have decided not to use this switch in HWiNFO, because if I would do, I would confuse the XTU - it would not know which fan it is actually reading when HWiNFO switches it. So depending on how XTU switches the fan, that's what HWiNFO reads out. Thus if XTU switches to CPU2 and you exit it, HWiNFO will always read 0 because there's no fan connected. To make it even worse, when the switch is set it takes a lot of time until one can read a correct fan speed, which would cause several delays in monitoring tools.
I know this makes the CPU1/2 fan speed readout to look erratic, but I believe that any other change would make things worse. As a solution for you, I suggest to connect the CPU fan to a different header than CPU1 or CPU2.

Regarding the RTSS in Shadow of Mordor, I'm not the author of RTSS nor I don't know that game, but basically if a game is using Mantle, you won't see the values in RTSS.

All right. Well I'll try the header thing later when I find more reasons to crack open my machine later. I do have a cable extension that I need to put in some time, so that is something else I need to get done.

As for Shadow of Mordor... I'm not sure what Mantle is or what API is in general, but I can always ask around on forums focusing more around RTSS for answers. Much appreciated.