Possible lockup on ATI Multi-GPU with Catalyst 10.2


HWiNFO Author
Staff member
There's a possible system lockup on machines running ATI Multi-GPU with Catalyst 10.2 and ULPS active (new feature in 10.2).
The problem is when a non-primary GPU is put into lowest power mode (shut down) by ULPS and this GPU is accessed on low-level, the system might crash.
The reason of the crash is still unknown and several other similar GPU tools suffer the same issue.
AMD/ATI is aware of this problem, but has not provided any additional information or workarounds yet, nor any explanation why this happens.
Currently, the only possible workaround is to disable ULPS mode by setting "EnableUlps" to "0" in the Registry or by using the Sapphire TriXX tool to disable it.
This issue has been solved in v3.62 by not accessing a secondary ATI GPU in case it's turned off by the ULPS feature.
However, there still exists a marginal chance when this patch might not work properly and a freeze can occur.