Possible malware - Computer brand name changed over multiple resets


Hi, this is not exactly related to HWiNFO, but in the app and in neofetch, the computer brand name/host is not the original - I believe this has something to do with some sort of malware, however i have reset my BIOS, and also reinstalled windows. Not exactly sure what to do


It would be very unlikely for a malware to change the computer brand name. This parameter is defined by the system BIOS. Are you sure this changed sometime in the past, what was the original system name? Did you perform a BIOS update that might have changed it?
It would be very unlikely for a malware to change the computer brand name. This parameter is defined by the system BIOS. Are you sure this changed sometime in the past, what was the original system name? Did you perform a BIOS update that might have changed it?
I do not believe i have done a BIOS update - The only BIOS update that I did was in attempt to remove this - I believe this was malware as it also changed multiple other things to the same thing, the origional system name was from my motherboard so the default ASUS one.
Sorry for the necropost, however I have found some more information on this issue.
When I booted into a corrupted live ISO, it revealed to me that it was in fact the manufacturer name that was changed, when I google it, I dont get any good information from it
I have put arrows towards the line. It should say "American Megatrends" i believe as that is what ASUS motherboards say usually