I trying to use HWiNFO to measure/record the power consumption of my CPU when running specefic jobs, and i have a lot of trouble to find explanations on how it works.
Usually, i used to run these kind of measurements on Linux, and use the RAPL (running average power limit) data to get the power consumption of my CPU package. The advanatage of using that is the decent update frequency of energy consumption data (every 10ms or 100ms, i don't remember), but also the fact the system keeps track of the consumed energy and not only the power consumption. This helps a lot capturing very breif and fast moments of high power consumption (even if CPU p-states are not supposed to change between states that quickly i guess), which offers a good measurment accuracy.
My questions regarding HWinfo are: Does it use (or based) on RAPL? can we change the logging frequency ? (the default is 1 Hz i guess?). And is there a way to record the consumed energy between two time stamps instead of the average power usage? (which is fine to measure long running jobs, but is not ideal to capture very quick tasks that last for couple milli-seconds).
Thank you in advance <3
I trying to use HWiNFO to measure/record the power consumption of my CPU when running specefic jobs, and i have a lot of trouble to find explanations on how it works.
Usually, i used to run these kind of measurements on Linux, and use the RAPL (running average power limit) data to get the power consumption of my CPU package. The advanatage of using that is the decent update frequency of energy consumption data (every 10ms or 100ms, i don't remember), but also the fact the system keeps track of the consumed energy and not only the power consumption. This helps a lot capturing very breif and fast moments of high power consumption (even if CPU p-states are not supposed to change between states that quickly i guess), which offers a good measurment accuracy.
My questions regarding HWinfo are: Does it use (or based) on RAPL? can we change the logging frequency ? (the default is 1 Hz i guess?). And is there a way to record the consumed energy between two time stamps instead of the average power usage? (which is fine to measure long running jobs, but is not ideal to capture very quick tasks that last for couple milli-seconds).
Thank you in advance <3