Recommended means to ramp up fans before HWInfo64 starts?

I've been using HWInfo64 for a year now, to control my case and Noctua C-14s CPU cooler fans. I generally monitor my CPU core temperatures with Core Temp 1.13, because of its simple view of current, minimum, and maximum core temperatures. I've deployed a variety of Custom Auto HWInfo Fan Control schemes over this time, with impressive results. Under normal loads with more aggressive schemes, my CPU core temperatures generally run between 85 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Heavy CPU loads can push temperatures to 100 degrees; and very heavy loads rarely generate 130 degrees. Yet at startup, maximum reported temperatures during startup are reported to run much higher than anything the system will generate once HWInfo64 has started.

No matter the HWInfo64 fan control strategy, the maximum startup (pre-HWInfo64-initialization) CPU core temperatures displayed by Core Temp 1.13 are some concern, because these maximum recorded core temperatures *can* run substantially higher than I would prefer. Generally, they are in the 145-to-180-degree F range, but can spike even higher.

I've tried to understand and abate these conditions for some time. Aggressive fan control schemes appear to prevent excessive temperatures over the long haul, but it appears that certain maximum temperatures are reached, I am presuming, *before* HWInfo64 is started.

What I'm hoping then, is first that technicians may confirm that this is the case — that the maximum temperatures I'm seeing in Core Temp 1.13 are indeed generated *before* HWInfo64 controls them. These temperatures appear to be recorded before I see the Core Temp window at startup... so, it seems to me that they transpire before fan speed control is eventually handed off to HWInfo64, after startup.

If this is the case, I would like a best-informed hardware technician's recommendation for possibly abating these temperatures before control is handed off to HWInfo64. I assume this is possible; but I'm not sure a standard approach is practical. A general prescription for accomplishing this object would suffice. Of course, I'm thinking about potentially tweaking BIOS settings; and I assume others will be interested in proper precautions.



CPU core temperatures can spike within milliseconds, much faster than any fan control logic can kick-in and ramp up the fans. But this is quite normal and cannot be prevented in advance with any cooling methods other than running in aggressive modes all the time.
In contrary, many latest CPUs allow short spikes in temperatures without asserting critical thermal actions. This is intentional behavior to improve performance.
I wouldn't worry about those short spikes as all CPUs feature several mechanisms to keep the operating conditions within safe limits.