Running HWiNFO from a script to autolog


New Member
I started to use HWiNFO64 to log temperatures and GPU/CPU Usage etc. to CSV file to gather data from my system.
I noticed there isn't automatic logging option when the program starts but there is a hotkey function to start logging. I made a Python script to run HWiNFO and press the hotkey buttons to start logging without any sort of user input involved.
The problem is, after saving the settings to register editor and all, the hotkey just won't work, not by the script nor by user. It requires opening the options-page and pressing "ok", the hotkey is already enabled though.
I have the program installed alongside my scripts on my second drive (D:) and I change the working directory to my data drive (E:) and launch the program from there, so the data will be already on the right drive.
The script has needed administrator rights to run the program.
Is there some way to do this procedure better? Or could automatic logging on startup be enabled to HWiNFO?
There should be no need to open the settings window for the hotkey to get activated, only the sensors window should be active, which can be hidden in tray.
I analyzed this and just found a bug in handling some key combinations for the hotkey, though not sure if this was affecting you too. Shall be fixed in the next (Beta) build.