Greetings Kind Regards Re/ 64 Pro v. 726-4800 Task Manager declares it Suspended screen shot attached though it seems to be functioning as Sensor page displays values. Kindly Advise Thank You
Then it looks like something is blocking HWiNFO. Please attach the HWiNFO Debug File - run in Debug Mode and after becoming stuck, terminate it and attach the HWiNFO64.DBG file it produced.
My apologies. I have edited the post. HWiNFO64.DBG appears to be attached now. I have a dodgy Wi-Fi connection. If still not successful perhaps I will have to attempt yet again. Thank You Kindly
According to that file everything works normal and values are read/updated in HWiNFO.
So I'm wondering whether something else in the system might be blocking HWiNFO or its user interface.