New Member
I dont know exactly what this temperature stands for but the temperature keeps gradually increasing and goes upto 82 degrees celcius and more while normal usage, it once shot to 118 degree celcius while gaming on HWinfo64 . Every other temperature is around 40-50 degrees, PCH is around 59-60 degree C.
Board- Intel DH67BL
Core i7 2600k (not overclocked0)
I can see on this thread that Martin has mentioned that the reading is bogus on DH67BL motherboard. I have the same board but I am a little worried because it feels real. Like the temperature goes up slowly and shoots while gaming and stays there until I close the game. I also see this temperature as Temperature #2 on openhardware monitor. [font=Verdana, Tahoma,]Screenshot- [/font][font=Verdana, Tahoma,][/font]
Board- Intel DH67BL
Core i7 2600k (not overclocked0)
I can see on this thread that Martin has mentioned that the reading is bogus on DH67BL motherboard. I have the same board but I am a little worried because it feels real. Like the temperature goes up slowly and shoots while gaming and stays there until I close the game. I also see this temperature as Temperature #2 on openhardware monitor. [font=Verdana, Tahoma,]Screenshot- [/font][font=Verdana, Tahoma,][/font]