Translation fault in japanese


New Member
I know difficulties of translation, and there's nice samples in HWINFO.
I appreciate translation jobs for this software and hope advancement of it sincerely.
So... I yen the correction of the worst sample below.
1. For font settings, there's "はげ" for "bald". It means the decrial for male without hair, just like to say "F*ck your m**her" in japanese.
It's better to use "太字" as "thick line or strong stroke characters".
2. And it's not worse but I couldn't get the meaning of "十進数" for "decimal".
It means "decimal digit" like to say "binary digit". and I guess "小数位" is better for "decimal place".
Thanks for your comments, this is a pretty big mistake made by the automatic translation. I will fix this ASAP.
Please also have a look at this thread about localization:
Anyone can contribute to the translation by changing the published lang.txt file on GitHub. If you'd like to contribute and perform corrections, we would be thankful.
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I have been married to a Japanese woman for over 20 years and I still cannot understand how anyone can learn their written languages. I got through Hiragana and Katakana ok (46 basic characters each not including diacritics). When I got to Kangi and the Dai Kan-Wa Jiten list of over 50,000 Kangi characters I gave up. Speaking Japanese is one thing. Reading and writing it is a whole other level. Kudos to pine_kz for helping out. I would ask my wife if she would help but computer jargon to her looks like Kangi to me. o_O
I think Chinese is no less difficult, perhaps Korean too. Luckily we already have some volunteers working on Chinese language corrections :) Another one on Portuguese (Brazil).
The rest will remain on other volunteers, and I'm pretty sure more will join.
Besides my native language (Slovak) I also understand Czech which is very close and I also speak German. Those are the languages where I already did several corrections, but it's quite possible I didn't catch some issues. I also understand a bit of some other Slavic languages, I can also read Russian 'azbuka' and have spent a year learning Arabic language, but I don't feel skilled enough here to perform corrections. Moreover the amount of text in all languages is huge and I'd rather concentrate myself on development.
I heard Dai-kanwa 50,000 was the grand sum of chinese Han(Kan) dynasty accomplishment.
But ordinary japanese including me can write 1% of it, plus read only 2% or so.
In 19th century, japanese people efforted to translate western science & tech terms to Japanese with chinese characters (kanji).
Nowadays too many foreign words are flooding, so we use phonogram(Katakana) mainly.
ex. "CPU package" to "CPUパッケージ" pronouncing like "CPU pakkeh-ji".
But HWINFO uses "CPU全体" which means "whole CPU".
I've realized it's true at that time because I was thinking its temperature was measured vaguely at the CPU lid until then.
So I think HWINFO's Japanese translation is not so bad even though it included "はげ".
"CPU Package" is a good example of language ambiguity and problems with translation.
Originally (in English and certain computer terminology used especially by Intel) this term is used to describe the whole CPU - a value representing the entire CPU. So for example if the CPU has several sensors, the "package" value is an average or maximum among all sensors inside. Attempting to translate this term results in incorrect meaning in many languages where "package" is translated as a "postal package".
Why Google's AI Translation translated "bold" into "はげ" remains a mystery...