True Portable Edition


Hi Martin, hi everyone. My post is a suggestion how to make this soft almost perfect, so please listen carefully :P
I would like to see this program is truly portable and can be used on the same PC when started after OS is reinstalled or on identical PCs - without need to recreate all config from scratch. It is one of distinctive features of the program to allow user to rename all sensors - and it is really cool feature. But I just cannot use it if I want portability. So Yoda must say here: "Very sad it is..." ;)
Well, the best and commonly used way to reach this goal is to store all info about user defined sensor names etc within the program folder (or maybe in the user defined place), but not in registry. For example it could be stored in XML or TXT files named <PC NAME><COUNTER (optionally - if PC names are the same)>.config.
I hope you will place this suggestion on the roadmap, Martin. And thank you for the great soft!
These settings are kept in registry because they are not expected to be portable. Custom sensor settings are usually tied to particular mainboard and thus there's no substantial need to have them portable. There's also a rather low probability of reinstalling a system, even in such a case you can easily export and import those settings back.
If I see there's a larger demand for such a feature, I'll implement it, but currently I consider this as a low priority.
Custom sensor settings are usually tied to particular mainboard and thus there's no substantial need to have them portable.
Yes, only in mentioned cases, which are not so frequent indeed, especially for home users.
There's also a rather low probability of reinstalling a system...
Umm, that depends.. )) can easily export and import those settings back
But how? I wanna know everything about it!
If I see there's a larger demand for such a feature, I'll implement it, but currently I consider this as a low priority.
Thanks a lot! Maybe there will be other posts with similar request..
mrbrd said: can easily export and import those settings back
But how? I wanna know everything about it!

Launch "regedit" and export the following key to a *.reg file:
Then after reinstalling the system just run the saved .reg file and allow it to enter into registry. That's all :)