What is this supposed to be showing? It looks like the values for my pump, but why is it showing AUXTIN at negative?


New Member

What is Nuvoton NCT6796D?

Also, I can't seem to find the value for ALL my fans. I can see the back side exhaust fan value, I'm pretty sure it's the "CPU1" value under Nuvoton.
But I can't see the RPM value for the 2 fans stacked vertically on the LEFT side. I also can't seem to find the values to see what RPM my 3 fans up on the ceiling are running at... I'm guessing they are exhaust fans, which I don't understand why or how it's logical to exhaust 'hot' air pushing it to my water block... But, I am mainly concerned about only being able to see 3 different RPM values.... But I have a total of 6 fans. 1 on the back, 2 on the left, and 3 on ceiling mounted just under my waterblock.
AUXTIN3 is most likely an erratic (floating) sensor input that's not connected, it should be ignored.
Fans need to be connected to mainboard headers for monitoring their speed. Case fans usually are connected only to fixed logic/power headers and can't be monitored.