Wrong speeds reported on Sata Port


New Member
Anyone see the wrongs speeds reported for your hard drive? When I ran this, the summary page correctly detects 7 drive and 1 CD-Rom. 5 drives and the CD-ROM are on the ICH10R controller, 2 drives on a Marvel 6GB.
Disk 0 - Vertex SSD. 3 Gb/s
Disk 1 - 500GB HD, 3 Gb/s
Disk 2 - 160GB HD. 3 Gb/s
Disk 3 - 500GB HD, 1.5 Gb/s
Disk 4 - 160GB HD, 1.5 Gb/s
Disk 5 - CD-ROM, 1.5 Gb/s

In the "Drives" section, is also list the controller at these speeds. Trying to figure out why and what is going on. How can I test that maybe my ports are really running at these lower speeds. "Benchmark" only shows the RAID sets, not the disks...

The thing is, the 500GB drives make up a Raid 1 set and the 160's make up a RAID 0 set.

Are the drives connected to Marvell 6 Gb/s capable as well?
Please attach a HWiNFO32 Debug File, so I can check it more precisely..

Whaler_99 said:
Anyone see the wrongs speeds reported for your hard drive? When I ran this, the summary page correctly detects 7 drive and 1 CD-Rom. 5 drives and the CD-ROM are on the ICH10R controller, 2 drives on a Marvel 6GB.
Disk 0 - Vertex SSD. 3 Gb/s
Disk 1 - 500GB HD, 3 Gb/s
Disk 2 - 160GB HD. 3 Gb/s
Disk 3 - 500GB HD, 1.5 Gb/s
Disk 4 - 160GB HD, 1.5 Gb/s
Disk 5 - CD-ROM, 1.5 Gb/s

In the "Drives" section, is also list the controller at these speeds. Trying to figure out why and what is going on. How can I test that maybe my ports are really running at these lower speeds. "Benchmark" only shows the RAID sets, not the disks...

The thing is, the 500GB drives make up a Raid 1 set and the 160's make up a RAID 0 set.

No, none of these drive are attached to the Marvel 6GB or the other Gigabyte 3GB controllers. These 6 drives are all on the 6 port, Intel ICH10R controller. I ran a report and have attched that.



Ahh, sorry. :)
All the drives are 3Gb/s capable drives. All the drives reported as 1.5 should be 3. If you look at the report, the models of the two hard drives in questions are:
Line 2590 - ST3500630NS - This is a Seagate Barracuda ES drive, 3Gb/s, 7200 RPM
Line 2638 - GB0160CAABV - This is a HP drive and low and behold, this is a 1.5Gb/s drive. Hmmm... weird. OK - well, now I know I need to swap that drive out. Have no idea how it got in there.
However, still have the issue with the Seagate reporting as wrong - or maybe for some reason running at wrong speed due to the HP drive maybe?

Just tried to uppload the file - says it is to large - 256K Max - my file is 600k in size...

Guess I need to do some further investigation.
Well, I have to say thanks for this great product. Helped point out some definate performance bootlenecks in my build.

The two detected 1.5Gbps drives. Pulled them out. Turns out the one "HP" drive was a Seagate, that supports 3Gbps, but HP flashed their own firmware on it and limits it to 1.5Gbps. Pulled it out, replaced with brand new drive, all is well. The second drive, the Seatgate Barracuda ES drive, turns out still has the pin set that limits transfer rate to 1.5 for some weird reason. Pulled of the pin, now all my hard drives are reported as running at 3Gbps. :)

Many thanks for this.

One question, I have the LG GBC-H20L Blue Ray CD-ROM drive with Sata interface. I could not find anywhere where LG gave the interface rate, SATA I versus SATA II - but swapping cables, your tool always shows it as 1.5Gbps - I assume this is correct. Not that 3Gbps would make a difference for a CD-ROM anyways.
