Anyone with Asus z790 noticed that there's an issue with reported vcore (die sense, z790 Hero) and EC VRM VOut reading? Seen it now on HWinfo 800, 802 and 804-5470. I believe they are more or less measuring the same thing, just at different places, so the numbers should be quite close (which they generally are)? However, EC sensor VOUT will regularly record a max value spike of around 1.53v, while the Nuvoton 6798D Vcore will record around 1.28-1.3v, which is what I'd expect. This happens even with auto cpu voltage cap and IA VR limit capped to 1.42v, CPU (14900KS) running at 5.7GHz. Can happen at any time, doing anything, just not idling. sometimes takes minutes, sometimes takes hours. Can be playing new games, old games, browsing, benchmarks.
Saw this on an Asus z790-F too, so it's probably not a faulty motherboard sensor? z790 hero is running most recent BIOS (2402, the one with Intel's etvb fixes) It still happens even if etvb and all the artificial boosting beyond the rated 5.7GHz max turbo freq alogrithms are disabled. Disabling c-states makes no difference. All CPU power related settings running at default Intel approved. Not running any other monitoring software. I don't have a debug file sorry.
Saw this on an Asus z790-F too, so it's probably not a faulty motherboard sensor? z790 hero is running most recent BIOS (2402, the one with Intel's etvb fixes) It still happens even if etvb and all the artificial boosting beyond the rated 5.7GHz max turbo freq alogrithms are disabled. Disabling c-states makes no difference. All CPU power related settings running at default Intel approved. Not running any other monitoring software. I don't have a debug file sorry.