Tray icons position within displays


New Member
Hello all,

I have two displays, and on the primary one's taskbar, the tray icons (temperature sensors) show up.

I needed to know if it is possible to move the tray icons to the other taskbar. (Need the tray icons to show up on the secondary monitor).

I use Rainmeter, Lively Wallpaper, but not sure if this information is of any use.

Appreciate any help in advance, cheers.
Placement of tray icons is managed by Windows - check in taskbar settings.
Thank you for your reply. You're right.

Although - I have done a little bit of googling and the only answer I found is that, normally the position of the tray icons cannot be changed between displays. So my only real current solution would be to make the secondary display the main display to have the tray appear there.

Not my favorite answer, but it'll work. Thank you.