75Mhz FSB 430TX hang while anylizing memory


New Member
Hello, i would like to report something strange after lunching Hwinfo on Windows 98 while testing Cyrix MII 225 MHZ (3x75 mhz). Program hang system on Analizing Memory Configuration. I have attached DBG file. On 66 MHz fsb hwinfo dont hang. Hopefull you can find something in this log what cause it.
Best Regards


I'm not sure why this happens, it hangs during SPD readout via SMBus. So disabling SMBus Support in HWiNFO should solve this, but some information will be missing (e.g. DIMM details).
After disabling SMBus in HWinfo it works :) Thank you. It looks like overclocking (75 mhz fsb) on 430tx, makes smbus instable.