I found a possible bug in the way the alerts run a specified program in HWinfo64. When the temperature triggers the alert I need to run a script in .exe file to insert a temperature value into a specific text file, which then would be read by another application.
This worked very well when I opened HWinfo (sensor only mode) and set the alarm to run the mentioned script (located in different folder on my disk). When I close HWinfo and run it again, it seemed that the program doesn't start with the alert - I assumed that because the output text file was not being updated. Then i checked the HWinfo app folder and found that the file appeared there instead of the folder where my script executable was located . When I simply go to alert setting and select my script executable again, it starts to work as needed.
I think there might be some problem with saving the path to the script executable (global/relative maybe?) and that causes my output file to appear in the wrong place.
That is a small issue, maybe I can just change my script to output the file in a fixed, global path - this solution would be less flexible but should work.
I found a possible bug in the way the alerts run a specified program in HWinfo64. When the temperature triggers the alert I need to run a script in .exe file to insert a temperature value into a specific text file, which then would be read by another application.
This worked very well when I opened HWinfo (sensor only mode) and set the alarm to run the mentioned script (located in different folder on my disk). When I close HWinfo and run it again, it seemed that the program doesn't start with the alert - I assumed that because the output text file was not being updated. Then i checked the HWinfo app folder and found that the file appeared there instead of the folder where my script executable was located . When I simply go to alert setting and select my script executable again, it starts to work as needed.
I think there might be some problem with saving the path to the script executable (global/relative maybe?) and that causes my output file to appear in the wrong place.
That is a small issue, maybe I can just change my script to output the file in a fixed, global path - this solution would be less flexible but should work.