App to add drive space info into HWiNFO


New Member
I wrote a program that creates, and periodically refreshes, custom sensors for HWiNFO to read.

Site Link
Direct Download Link (may get outdated; check main link)

  1. GUI Settings Editor
  2. Drive Used (percent of space taken up on drive)
  3. Drive Capacity (total possible capacity of drive)
  4. Drive Free Space

If you don’t trust an executable AHK script (and I wouldn’t blame you), the AHK file itself can be found in the src folder and will work too.

Please contact me (link) with bugs/issues, questions, or ideas for more additions.
Came here to say thank you for this, this is exactly what I needed for my system info display. One question I have is do I need to have the exe run on startup, or once it has run does it set up everything it needs to work in perpetuity?