Aqua Computer Sensors

Hello Community,

I'm trying to get my Aqua computer sensors to show up in HWinfo. I've got a "vision" (link) product that provides a temperature sensor. I'm trying to get the temperature sensor to show up, but I can't. I reached out to Aquasuite and the support folks I've gotten ahold of said that HWinfo accesses the device directly. Does anyone have any experience getting the aquasuite sensors into HWinfo? Any support is appreciated. My I've got it set up with basically a wild card/catchall for promdapter so I'm not focused on that yet. I can't get the sensor to show up in HWinfo, that's where my issue is at the moment.

My set up :
Host with Vision Sensor usb'd to it
oh, good to know. I do have a Quadro as well that I was going to look at pulling sensors from. I'd started with the vision for testing as I can just power that off of USB, but my Quadro has a molex for power. I'll ask this now - is the Quadro supported?