Auto Start


Well-Known Member
I had to rebuild my boot disk and HWiNFO does not follow the setting to Auto Start now.
I can make an entry in Task Scheduler, but just wanted to raise the point.



What exactly means that it doesn't follow the setting - when you enable Auto Start and click OK, can you see the Task Scheduler HWiNFO task being created ?
Martin said:
What exactly means that it doesn't follow the setting - when you enable Auto Start and click OK, can you see the Task Scheduler HWiNFO task being created ?

What I meant was having Auto Start selected (checked) in settings, does not have HWiNFO auto start on system boot... manual start is required.
[attachment=1926] [attachment=1927]

This used to work prior to the boot drive rebuild, I am not sure what is happening.

I can add a task to Task Scheduler, just wanted to make you aware of the hiccup.


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Have you also clicked OK after enabling Auto Start? That should create the HWiNFO task in Task Scheduler. So you don't see it there after clicking OK ?
I had not clicked OK as that was the default and I changed nothing on the page.
I have now clicked OK, and still see no entry in the Task Scheduler.
I was not sure how HWiNFO implemented auto start.

I will uninstall, and reinstall to see if that addresses the issue.
I uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled HWiNFO.
Adjusted settings, including Auto Start and clicked OK.
An HWiNFO Task is now listed in Task Scheduler.

I was wrong, Auto Start is not default, it just appeared that way to me.
I believe I pulled a back-up .ini file and placed in the HWiNFO folder.
In that case I would not have had to click OK as the settings were from the previous install.

I wonder if deselecting Auto Start, clicking OK, then reselecting Auto Start, and clicking OK again would have had the same result.