Bug or actual voltage?


New Member
Hello, I just registered because I am confused on a reading using this software. You can see in the attachments 2 different pics on 2 different settings on my mesh clock and llc/ring voltage, one at 1.9ghz with auto voltage and the other with 3.1ghz at 0.85+0.15v offset (called override mode in bios, this is what I run daily). However, in both cases the software if reporting 1.4431v for llc/ring current voltage, which I assume is what it is running at the moment. I don't know if mesh can actually run at 1.4431v or not but it will fry something up if it does. So I am wondering if this is a bug and I just ignore or is there something  I need to fix?

Thanks in advance


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Which CPU and mainboard is that?
It indeed looks too high, but note that this is the voltage requested, so it might not be what's really supplied. Check in the sensors screen if that provides other values.
CPU 7920x, motherboard Asrock taiche XE
What other sensor do I look? I tried looking under sensor tab and couldn't find anything related to mesh. Every other value is at or near what I set them to be, Vcore Vccio, vccsa, dramABCD voltage etc.

It's strange cause it's reporting the vcore for CPU correctly at 1.188v and next down the line you see this huge value for mesh, which throws me off... I do suspect it's not the actual value for the mesh voltage though, since even at auto, at 1.9GHZ it's still displaying 1.4431v and there's no way that's the case unless something got damaged and the software is picking up random values.

Edit:I'm using v5.86-3480 if that's relevant
Update: So I loaded up UEFI default and now it is reporting 0.9098v

Update 2: with everything else at stock, I changed the mesh to 3ghz and it still shows 0.9098v

Update 3: As soon as I change CPU frequency and CPU voltage offset (-45mv at the moment) the value goes back to 1.4431v, I didn't touch mesh voltage AT ALL this time. Is this some kind of bug?

Update 4: if I use 3.8ghz as clock speed and everything else on auto (with 3ghz mesh) the reported ring voltage is 1.1921v

Update 5: When I change cpu frequency to 4.2ghz and mesh to 3ghz with everything else auto, it displays 1.3176v, seems like t his value goes up rapidly with CPU frequency?

Update 6: With the same setting above and a -0.1v on CPU vcore, so the reported vcore drops by about -0.1v (1.0801v now vs 1.1797v in update 5) but ring voltage still stays at 1.3176v, kind of confirms that this value only scales up arbitrarily with core frequency?

Update 7: under my previous daily settings at 4.7ghz, the reported llc/ring current voltage got up to 1.4745v and I just updated to the latest v5.88

It indeed looks too high, but note that this is the voltage requested, so it might not be what's really supplied. Check in the sensors screen if that provides other values.


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Thanks for the extensive testing. I have analyzed this and it's actually a bug in HWiNFO, which is reporting an invalid value.
I will remove this value entirely in the next build, so please ignore it for the time being.
Sorry for the confusion this has caused.
No worries, thanks for the clarification and I'm happy to help. It is also a relief to know that it's not something wrong or something I'm doing wrong that triggered the behaviour.

Thanks for the extensive testing. I have analyzed this and it's actually a bug in HWiNFO, which is reporting an invalid value.