can't see HWINFO sensors in Logitech G19 LCD screen.


I am an big fan of this software and in my opinion its one of the best out there.

I do want to see my temps or sensors in my Logitech G19 LCD screen but i do not see anything.

Is there a way that i can see HWINFO64 in my Logitech G19 screen?

thnx in advance.
Indeed, HWiNFO supports these keyboards - you just need to setup which values to show on the LCD via Configure Sensors / Logitech LCD tab.
Martin said:
Indeed, HWiNFO supports these keyboards - you just need to setup which values to show on the LCD via Configure Sensors / Logitech LCD tab.

That's the problem it does not show up.

I did enable show value in logitech LCD screen and enable reporting to gadget
and report value in gadget but nothing shows up in the screen when it try to open it.

I also have the sensors only running in the back ground and in gaming software i see an HWINFO applet but like i said when i try to go to it i don't see anything.

I think i am doing someting wrong but can't figure out what that is.
Which version of Logitech software are you using?
Also, please attach a screenshot of the HWiNFO configure window where I can see your configuration for the Logitech LCD.
Martin said:
Which version of Logitech software are you using?
Also, please attach a screenshot of the HWiNFO configure window where I can see your configuration for the Logitech LCD.

Solved, i think it was a Logitech software fault.
I downloaded the newest from the Logitech site and it works fine now.

thanks for your help and fast response!
Hi, i am using HWINFO64 and i tried to configure my sensors to show them in my Logitech G19 LCD display but it does not work correctly.

I am on 8.50 Logitech software and when i try to configure the sensors some does not show up in the LCD display.

Also i am using hw64_426-2020 i think its HWINFO that does not show up correct because i re-installed it several times and for the Logitech software too.

Maybe you have an solution? I really like to see what my hardware is doing when i am gaming.

Thnx in advanced.
First, you might try to "Reset preferences" in HWiNFO and reconfigure the values from scratch.
If that doesn't help, please describe more precisely which values show up and which don't - I need to see the exact configuration and resulting screen.